Monday 2 March 2015

A Blade in the Dark

The Ratway, Riften.
In search of the hidden Blades member, Freyja  finds herself in Riften's dark and uninviting sewers.

Its inhabitants are less than welcoming; demanding her valuables as toll for further passage.

But Freyja has other ideas. 

The pair of ruffians are easily no match for the battle hardened warrior.

Further into the sewers, she comes across another one of the Ratway's. A huge imperial beast of a man,. She recalled one of the locals mention about a fugitive - or something of that sort - dwelling in Riften's sewers. He went by name of Gian the First.

"Shouldn't have come down here all alone, cutie." His arms raised, a grin across his rugged face. "I'm going to pound ya, and then I'm going to pound ya."

Gian the Fist learnt a very valuable lesson then - you don't take on the Dragonborn, especially with only your fists.

Some were even smart enough to avoid getting in her path. 

Delving deeper into Riften's sewers, Freyja makes her way through the Ragged Flagon.
"Not exactly a place I'd stop for a drink" she thought to herself. 

The Thieves Guild watched her every move as she passed through the tavern. 

"You've got the wrong person! I don't know who you're talking about! There isn't an Esbern around here!"

"I'm the Dragonborn." Freyja said. "Delphine sent me, Esbern. She's been looking for you."
"Also, where were you on the 30th of Frostfall?"

"Now do I know I can trust you?? Maybe - maybe you're with the thalmor, you've got poor Delphine and you've tortured her. Got her to say that. And now you're after me!"

"I... seriously?" Don't you think you're being a little paranoid? Do I look like I'm with the thalmor?"

"I'm not falling for that! If what you say is true and you're not with the thalmor more, then you'll have to prove it."
"Drop your weapons and take off all your armour, then walk slowly - and keep your hands in the air! I'll drop you where you stand if I see any funny business."


"There. I'm naked, and all my gear is outside that door. Convinced yet?" 

"Not yet. You could be hiding some weapons, somewhere on you. I know how tricky the thalmor can be."
Only now did Freyja truly understand what Delphine meant about Esbern. The old Blades member was certainly not taking any chances.
"Get down on your knees over there. Turn away and keep your back facing me."

"Don't move. I want to have a good look at you - make sure you're not one of them."

"Satisfied yet?" Freyja said, slightly irritating by the entire ordeal.
"Hmm..." the old man said as he stroked the greying hairs on his chin. "Everything seems to check out - but I need one more thing to be sure."
".... and what may that be?" Freyja asked. She knew it would be no easy task retrieving the long-lost Blades member, but this was clearly far from over. 

"Yes, yes. We would need to have intercourse."

"WHAT THE - what does that have to do with anything??" She could not help but feel that Esbern may just be taking a little advantage over the situation.
"Well now," Esbern said. "A thalmor spy would certainly never so far as sleeping with her target. No, that would be too much for them."

"Are you senile?" an exasperated Freyja cried. "That's the oppos- forget it. Just... just get it over with."
Esbern wasted no time disrobing. The tip of his erect member slid inside her as Esbern prepared to mount the Dragonborn atop his dusty fur rug. 

She could his throbbing cock slide inside her nether regions. Esbern's member was surprisingly moist and slippery - clearly lubed by some sort of sticky liquid. Of what sort Freyja did not wish to know.

"By Akatosh - it's been so long!" the old man moaned in pleasure. "It's as if I've died and gone to Sovngarde!"

"T-there. You've done it. You've stuck your filthy rod inside me. Can we go??"

"Patience, my dear." he said as he moved his hips back and forth towards her rump. "Just... just a little bit more. Then I'll know for sure that you're... oh gods..."
"You're a sick old man, you know that?" Freyja cried. 

"Fine. Just hurry up and get it over with. I'm not some whore for you to mount all night."

Esbern was certainly enjoying this far more than he should. 

Several sweaty minutes later.

The fervorous mounting increased in speed and frequency as the old man was approaching the end, and was soon replaced with long, slow motions  - grinding his hairy crotch on Freyja's sweaty rear. Hot, sticky liquid began to seep from his member.

"D-DRAGONBORN!" Esbern moaned aloud as he released his thick load inside her.


  1. nice..
    what enb are you using?

    1. Thanks, I'm using Seasons of Skyrim with ELFX.

  2. A comment and a question... First, your game looks great. You've really perfected Freyja's look: Her body, skin texture, etc. Great work!

    My question... does this story take into account Freyja's last disastrous trip to Riften? I'm guessing... No. Looking forward to the next installment. :)

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

      You mean Rorikstead? If you mean Riften, that character has no relationship with this Freyja. Think of it as a reboot so to speak. Stay tuned.

  3. Hi there, nice blog i love it. I have 2 questions, will u continue with the blog? And whats the hair mod you are using? Thanks!
