Part 1 - The Seven Thousand Steps
And so her journey begins.
Freyja makes her way to the top of High Hrothgar. Though the road ahead is perilous, her courage does not falter.
She answers the summons of the Greybeards, masters of the Way of the Voice.
Perhaps there she will find her answer; what is her destiny as the Dragonborn?
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"Often I have heard tales of the fabled Greybeards, masters of the Voice, ageless and full of wisdom. The storybooks and poems never said anything about them being sick, perverted old men."
Part 2 - Shimmermist Cave
Exploring a dark, eerie and unfamiliar cave by herself, Freyja could not see or hear the falmer stalking her.
Struck by an arrow tipped with paralysing poison, all her strength leaves her body and is now at the mercy of the falmer. Haven't seen or mated with a female human before, the foul falmer drags Freyja back to his home to slowly savour her.
Having never seen or heard of a falmer in her life, yet alone ravaged by one, Freyja can only pray that the poison will wear off soon and her strength returned to her.
Part 3 - Dark Investigations
Dark Investigations by Asthai
Not everything depicted here is true to the original storyline in the Dark Investigations mod. I've added/altered some scenes and changed the story flow (a little) to my imagination.
Will contain spoilers!
Part 4 - Prank
Freyja makes her way towards the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood, hoping to quench her thirst after a long journey.
The men of Riverwood take an instant liking to her; each of them rushing to buy her a drink and perhaps sliding in the occasional flirt.
Humbled, she accepts the gestures, hoping to avoid offending any of the men.
Meanwhile, Frodnar, the village mischief, spies on Freyja, eager to pull one of his pranks on her.
"Ugh, perhaps I shouldn't have drank all those flagons of mead."
Feeling light headed and tipsy, Freyja lays behind the inn to catch a quick breather.
Already exhausted from her journey, along with all the mead she drank, Freyja doses off for a quick second.
Eventually, she opens her eyes and is greeted by the sight of Frodnar, staring down at her along with his wet, breathy dog.
Freyja immediately realizes that she has been stripped of her armor.
Panic takes her, as she feels the tip of a hot, moist and sticky object poking at her.
Before she is able to make sense of the situation, the dog plunges its member into Freyja.
"S-Stop this madness! Stop!!" she cries, feeling the beast's penis slide in and out of her.
Frodnar merely giggles and cheers his horny companion on, clearly excited at the sight of Freyja's rape.
"Nghh !! This... this is wrong, you can't... can't do this!!!"
Freyja tries to escape the hound, but is pinned down like a doll due to its sheer weight alone along with her fatigue and intoxication.
Part 5 - Spellbound (Incomplete Indefinitely)
"500 gold coins for his head."
"It is not the bounty I seek from this task. This... this evil must be put to an end." Freyja said.
"Whatever. Hurry up and put a sword through his eyes and rid me of this annoyance." the Jarl of Falkreath remarked.
Freyja scans the scrolls in her hands.
An evil, powerful sorcerer has been kidnapping villagers. His preferred choice, young village girls.
As the Dragonborn and the heroine of Skyrim, she takes in on herself to put an end to this foul sorcerer.
Freyja continues her investigation, hoping to get hold of any valuable information that may help her locate the sorcerer's hideout.
After two nights, Freyja has finally located the sorcerer.
Rumour has it he resides in an abandoned fort, merely half a day's journey from Falkreath.
Working her way inside the fort, Freyja enters an eerie and foul smelling room.
There she finds the sorcerer, performing one of his dark rituals.
She wastes no time and presses the attack, sword high in the air, ready to cut down the sorcerer and put an end to his evil.
Suddenly, Freyja feels an invisible force taking hold of her body.
Her sword arm grows as weak as a child's, while her shield feels like thrice as heavy.
"Damn it!" Freyja cursed.
"Well, well, well. What have we here...?" said the old sorcerer.
"What business does a radiant young creature such as yourself have with an old man like me?"
"I know what you are, and I am here to put and end to you, monster." Freyja said.
"I see, and how do you intend to do that, my little beauty?" the sorcerer chuckled.
"Unbind me, you coward, and you'll see." she growled.
"Ah... such temper and ferocity, unlike the others. I shall enjoy your company immensely." the sorcerer said.
Freya, setting out to defeat the dark sorcerer and ending his terror, now finds herself at her target's mercy.
What dark and dirty things does the evil sorcerer have in store for her?
Part 6 - Black Briar - Chapter 1 Down The Skeever Hole (Incomplete Indefinitely)
"An informant of mine found it- nearly at the cost of his life- where Maven has been storing them." said Mjoll. "Black-Briar meadery."
"That's rather bold." Freyja the Dragonborn said.
"Well, there's not a single person here that could possibly stand up to her. Not even the Jarl would try anything without absolute proof." said Mjoll, clearly vexed. "But if we could just find some evidence that she's behind the skooma trade here.
Freyja nods. "Great. So when do we do this?"
"I appreciate the help Dragonborn, I really do. But you don't have to do this. If something goes wrong... these are dangerous people." says Mjoll.
"Don't worry, Mjoll." Freyja confidently says. "I am the Dragonborn afterall. Besides, it's just a bunch of skooma peddlers, what's the worse that could happen?"
Later that night, at the Black-Briar meadery.
"My informant was right! It was right under our noses all along!" says Mjoll. "Let's get this crate open and-"
"My, my. What an inquisitive bunch." says a voice from behind.
"Now, what have we here?" says Maven. "It seems that two rats have found their way into my meadery."
"Maven!" yelled Mjoll as she took up her large battle axe. "We know you're the one behind the skooma trade here in Riften. You won't get away for this!"
"Oh, but I think I will." Maven laughed.
"And what's this? You've brought along the Dragonborn?" says Maven with an amused smile.
"So, you're the Black-Briar matriarch. I've heard too much about you." says Freyja as she readied her battle stance.
"I'm honored, Dragonborn. You are quite the beauty indeed, as the legend goes." says Maven. "But oh-so-stupid. Guards!".
"You two are under arrest! Surrender now or face the Jarl's justice!" warned the guards as they unsheathed their swords.
"We're not the criminals here." says Freyja. "This Maven Black-Briar-"
"Drop your weapons now! There will be no third warning, criminals!"
"Freyja, stop. These guards have clearly been bought by Maven. Violence will not do us any good now. We'll... come up with something later." Mjoll whispers.
"Tsk. Fine." Freya grudgingly complies as she drops her steel sword.
"Good girl." Maven says mockingly. "Take them away."
Moments later, somewhere in Riften's underground sewerage.
"Now, tell me how you found out about the skooma and I may just let the both of you go... after I teach you a little lesson" Maven says.
"Go screw yourself." Freyja says with an unflinching stare.
"Tsk. How rude." Maven says, shaking her head in disappointment. "I never knew the Dragonborn was a woman of such poor manners."
"Do your worse, bitch!" growls Mjoll. "We won't tell you a thing!"
"Be careful for what you ask for." says Maven in an unamused tone.
"Both of you should know better than to cross the Black-Briars." she says. "Do you know what happens to those who go against the me?
"But... I believe that this could be an opportunity in disguise." says Maven, a smile slowly growing on her.
"Dragonborn, I believe you could be quite useful to me." the Black-Briar matron says as she slowly scans the Dragonborn from top to bottom. This made Freyja oddly uncomfortable.
"How about it? Work for me and maybe I'll let the both of you go. Eventually."
"I'd sooner go to Oblivion!" says Freyja.
"Fine. Guard, kill the ugly one." Maven says.
"W-what?" Freyja utters, shocked.
The guard pushes Mjoll down abruptly with his boot as he unsheathed his steel sword.
"Damn you Maven!!" Mjolly cries. "I-I'll kill you!!"
"Wait! Stop!" Freyja cried.
"Yes, Dragonborn?" Maven asks, looking most pleased. "Something you would like to say?"
"I'll... I'll do what you ask. Just... don't kill her." the Dragonborn says.
"Freyja... don't, it's not worth it." Mjoll says.
"Hm." Maven smiles. "I knew you'd come around."
"Guards, unbind the Dragonborn." Maven says.
"Are you sure milady?" asks the guard as he sheathes his sword.
"Oh yes. She's harmless now. A dragon without fangs." Maven mocks.
"And what of the other woman, m'lady?" asks the guard.
"Toss in her in a cell. And keep an eye on her." says Maven. "The Dragonborn is coming with me."
"I assume you're smart enough to know what'll happen to your dear friend if you disobey me, Dragonborn." Maven says.
"Tsk. You better make sure no harm comes to her, Maven." Freyja coldly says. "Whatever it is you want me to do, I won't shed innocent blood for you."
"Ha, not that you have a choice, my dear." Maven laughs. "But don't worry, nothing of that sort for now. Come."
"Where are you taking me?" Freyja asks, far from happy about the idea of obeying the Black-Briar matron.
"Let's just say that before I hand you your real assignments, I like to make sure that you're... obedient." Maven says with a smile.
"Spare a coin, milady?" the beggar meekly asks. "We haven't had anything to eat all week, milady."
"Ah, you poor men. Life has been hard on the both of you, hasn't it?" Maven says sympathetically to the beggars.
"Y-yes, milady. Please, spare us some kindness. If you could only bring some warmth to our poor hearts." says the beggar meekly.
"Ha! That I can do, my good man." Maven says with a big smile.
"But tell me, when was the last time the both of you've had a woman?"
"M... milady?" says the beggar, shocked by the out rightness of the question.
"Come now, don't be shy." Maven says encouragingly. "Surely, it's been a long, long time?"
"B-beg your pardon milady.... but its been... years. We.... we haven't any coin aside for food and no lady would lay with us even if we did." he says.
"Well then, rejoice!" Maven says. "This here is the Dragonborn! The saviour and protector of Skyrim! She shall serve the both of you today!"
"What?!" Freyja blurts in shock.
"Truly?! M'lady, you do not jest??" the beggars asks, happiness and joy growing in their voices.
"Y-you must be insane to think that, that I would, would do it with these men!!" Freyja yells angrily.
"Now, now. We don't want anything happening to Mjoll now, would we?" Maven slyly says. "Besides, as the Dragonborn, it is your duty to serve the people, isn't it?"
As much as it disgusted her, Freyja could not disobey. She knew that this was the first of many disgusting things in store for me under Maven's employ. She would just have to steel herself and see it through until she finds a way to rescue her captive friend.
"Fine." Freyja says. "I'll... do it."
The two beggars wasted no time; stripped of their clothing, they approach her with their erect cocks.
The smell almost made Freyja gag. These men had clearly not washed themselves in a long, long time. Only the Divines know what they have been sticking their cocks into.
"Get to it, Dragonborn." Maven instructs, clearly amused. "These men haven't had a woman in years. Let's not make them wait another."
It took her nearly all her will power to reach out to their cocks, let alone slide one into her mouth.
She could feel the beggar's cock shiver the moment it felt her tongue.
"By the Divines!! This feeling-" the brown bearded beggar moaned.
"I must... endure this. For Mjoll." Freyja thinks as she tries to steel herself.
As she sucked on the brown bearded beggar's thick member, Freyja forced herself to rub the grey haired beggar's equally hard cock. With each stroke she could feel it throbbing softly in her hands.
"The- the Dragonborn is really sucking my cock!" the grey haired beggar moans in bliss.
Freyja could taste a mild saltiness in what she imagines must be the beggar's cum.
Suddenly, the beggar pulled his cock out of Freyja's mouth. The next thing she knew, she found herself on the floor with the two beggars now on top of her.
"Enough of this tease!" the brown bearded beggar growled. "I want a taste of the real thing!"
Freyja's body filled with shock. She tried to reach out to stop the greedy hands that were reaching for her.
"Oh gods, this can't be happening." Freyja thought to herself, her body filling with fear.
Freyja struggled as they reach out to strip off her armor.
Her body taken with fear, Freyja could barely put up a fight.
"No!! Stop it!!" Freyja cried as she tried to push his hands away. "You can't do this!!"
"Outta the way!" the brown bearded beggar grumbled. "Nothing's going to stop me from fucking the Dragonborn!"
"Oh boy, oh boy, how long has it been?? I can't wait!" the grey haired beggar gleefully says in anticipation like a child on Saturalia morning.
"That's quite a sight to see," Maven says, amused by the spectacle. "The Dragonborn sandwiched between two dirty beggars."
"C-call them off, Maven! Tell them to stop this!! Please!!" Freyja pleaded desperately.
"Now why would I do that, my dear?" Maven laughed. "It's not everyday you get to see the mighty Dragonborn like this."
To her horror, Freyja could feel their cocks poking and rubbing at her private regions.
"Please, I beg both of you. Please don't do this! I-I'm the Dragonborn, You can't!" she begged.
But Freyja's words reached no ears; no force on Tamriel could now stop the men from penetrating her.
"Nooooooo !!" Freyja screamed as both beggars slid their cocks into her.
"Nghhhhhh!!!" her assailants moaned as their members found sweet, warm sanctuary in Freyja's body.
"We're doing it! We're doing it! We're fucking the Dragonborn!!"
Freyja could feel their hot, sticky shafts sliding in and out inside of her.
The grey haired beggar fondled her breasts with his right hand whilst he held onto her with his other; allowing him to motion his hips back and forth against her.
Meanwhile, her other assailant was in absolute bliss, mumbling incoherently as he squeezed her fingers so hard that she thought they would break.
"D-Dragonborn!!" the grey haired beggar moaned loudly as he squeezed her body tighter. "I'm going to cum inside you!!"
"I'm gonna fill you up nice and good!" the brown bearded beggar roared. "Some cream for the mighty Dragonborn!!"
Freyja's mind went blank as she felt hot, sticky fluid pumping inside her.
Their ravenous cocks unloaded years of frustration, unsatiated lust and burning desire inside the Dragonborn.
After what seemed like an eternity of torture, she could only sit in daze and shock, unable to speak even a word.
"Well done, Dragonborn. You performed marvellously." Maven applauded. "Looks like you gave those men a time of their lives."
"Go clean yourself up. It's time for your first assignment."
Meanwhile, her other assailant was in absolute bliss, mumbling incoherently as he squeezed her fingers so hard that she thought they would break.
"D-Dragonborn!!" the grey haired beggar moaned loudly as he squeezed her body tighter. "I'm going to cum inside you!!"
"I'm gonna fill you up nice and good!" the brown bearded beggar roared. "Some cream for the mighty Dragonborn!!"
Freyja's mind went blank as she felt hot, sticky fluid pumping inside her.
Their ravenous cocks unloaded years of frustration, unsatiated lust and burning desire inside the Dragonborn.
After what seemed like an eternity of torture, she could only sit in daze and shock, unable to speak even a word.
"Well done, Dragonborn. You performed marvellously." Maven applauded. "Looks like you gave those men a time of their lives."
"Go clean yourself up. It's time for your first assignment."
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